I have no idea why I kept this picture of my college days. We are milling around and not sure what was going on. I don't know why I kept it because it is blurry. These should usually be tossed but back in those days each picture taken cost money, so maybe we just decided every snap was worth something.

This blurry fellow on the left looking either appreciative for the paparazzi or about to accost the bloke, Alec Baldwin style, is your younger blogger. That's Nick Van Winkle on the right and looks like we are in Hershey Hall messing around. I like to think I had my sleeves rolled up trying to resist all the fun in the hallway so I could get over to the library and study. Academics was always my priority so if there was beer (or other relaxation paraphernalia) in one of the rooms and it was a Friday, I'm sure I had problem resisting the temptation.
These proofs of some more formal yearbook shots confirm the cheesy mustache and flowing hippie locks. I've told the story before on this blog but it bears repeating. In grad school in Denver with buddy Jan Sizemore, we were both bent down at a glass case looking at something, and a clerk came up behind us and asked, "Can I help you girls?"
I've thought of trying just one more time while I still can to grow out my hair. But, sadly, I tend to think old guys with long hair look like pathetic hippies unable to get out of the 60's. But still?!
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