I am not given to hysterics. In all my stargazing I have never seen a UFO (well, maybe one). I have read the calculations of how far an advanced alien civilization would have to come to find us in the vastness of space and have ruled out the possibility. The technology for traveling such distances seems daunting even for the most advanced. And there is the question of why. Surely there must be millions of worlds more suitable for whatever they need, and thus, the third question. If they need something why not take it? Why just the endless spatial drive-bys?
Anyway, after having had breakfast with the clan at the Egg Platter I noticed a small round washer driven into the parking lot by a small nail. I asked if anyone had noticed them before and wondered what it was for. No one knew.
And then I started to notice them everywhere.
On sidewalks.
In roads.
In parking lots.
Some have been highlighted.
OK, lets deduce their purpose. Obviously they are reference points. One actually has REF PT on it. But what does it reference?
- Property? Not likely because I saw one in the middle of a street.
- Water and/or Gas Line? Best question Wombie about this, I mean AQUAMAN. But even that didn't make much sense since one I saw was in the middle median of a 6 lane street. You'd think they'd flow water and gas perpendicular to roads other than major thoroughfares. If you have a break you would be having to tear into a major means of commuting.
- GPS or Google Earth coordinates. Maybe. Or maybe it is an advance guard of an alien race Hell-bent on invasion when the time is ripe. Yeah, that's it! They are reference points for landing sites for their Praetorian War Birds. The Motherships will be enveloped in cloud formations and when the perfect moment arrives they will streak to Earth like gnarly sand gnats.
Great martian war from PLAZMA on Vimeo.
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